
Disseminating Fact From Fiction, How Essential Oils Can Improve Your Health in Extraordinary Ways

Essential Oils
Essential Oils

Essential oils may seem like just a passing trend, but they have been around for centuries and are well-known in holistic circles for their powerful health benefits. While oils won’t help you if you lose a limb, there are some pretty incredible ways that they can benefit your health and boost healing in your body. From helping you limit toxins in your body care to healing skin conditions, here are some of the best ways to use essential oils for your health.

Boosting Hair Health

Many people don’t realize that their hair care routine includes products that contain many toxic chemicals. These can disrupt hormones and even lead to cellular damage and cancer over time. The fragrances in these products might smell great, but they aren’t great for you. The great news is that essential oils can be used in these products instead, and can lead to several health benefits.

One great essential oil in hair products is rosemary. This EO not only has a fresh, herbal scent, but it can also promote hair growth and help you support your healthy hair goals. When you add these and other oils to your shampoos and conditioners you’ll experience thicker, shiner, and stronger hair.

Skin Cancer and Essential Oils

More and more people experience skin cancer now than ever before. Many of them are finding that natural healing methods can be as effective as some mainstream medical treatments. Different plant compounds are well-known in scientific literature for their cancer fighting properties. Essential oils concentrate these substances, making them an excellent ally for fighting different types of skin cancer.

It’s important to work with a skilled practitioner who understands how to effectively use essential oils for skin cancer. They’ll understand what can be applied topically and what can be ingested. While ingestion is not recommended in general, certain aromatherapists may be able to determine if this is a safe route for individuals.

These EOs work by lowering inflammation, adding in beneficial antioxidants, and more. Frankincense is one of the most popular when it comes to fighting cancer. Another great option is Myrrh oil as well. Both of these can be added to a good carrier oil and applied directly to the affected skin to help promote cancer healing. It’s important to consult with healthcare providers to ensure that these treatment approaches won’t interfere with other medical modalities.

Respiratory Health Support

If you’ve ever used a vapor rub on your chest to open up your airways, did you know that there are essential oils that can do the same? Eucalyptus, peppermint, and even tea tree essential oils are great for helping support your body when you are experiencing respiratory sickness.

These oils in particular help to reduce inflammation, lower congestions, and provide much needed relief. When your airways are open it’s easier to cough up phlegm and can help you feel better faster. You can add these oils in tiny amounts to a carrier oil and rub them on the chest at night time or run a diffuser with just a drop of each to run throughout the day. Adding these oils to provide respiratory relief can help boost your health in natural ways.

Reducing Anxiety and Getting Better Sleep

Did you know that scent has been shown to impact mental health and emotions? It’s why certain scents can bring up powerful memories that can stir up positive and sometimes negative emotions. This is why aromatherapy can be a powerful tool to reduce anxiety and to help you sleep better at night.

When you use the right combination of oils it can help lower your stress levels causing you to feel less anxious. When you feel less anxious, you can also sleep better at night. Lavender, chamomile, and even bergamot are a few of the most common EOs that have been used widely for their calming properties. Choosing the right combination can help you sleep better at night and help you manage anxious feelings during the day.

It’s clear that essential oils are not a passing fad. Instead they can be a powerful tool in your health toolbox. From the simple things like boosting hair health to something more powerful, like reducing skin cancer cells, these oils are here to stay. It’s important to work with healthcare practitioners who are knowledgeable with essential oils and to be up front about any health conditions you already have.


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