
How Is Technology Improving the Accommodation Experience for Hotel Guests?

Technological Features
Technological Features

Whether your dream vacation lives up to expectations is not wholly dependent on the experiences you have in your chosen destination. The quality of your hotel experience can also factor greatly into your overall enjoyment of your vacation.

Just like every other aspect of modern society, the accommodation industry has also benefited from technological advancements. Hotels are presenting new and improved technological offerings to guests, and they are promising better experiences.

How are those technological features improving the time travelers spend in hotels? You can learn more about the benefits they provide by continuing with the rest of this article.

Technological Features Have Improved Hotel Security

Security is an essential consideration for many travelers. Many folks are willing to pay a premium for a hotel stay if the establishment is renowned for its security capabilities.

These days, hotels have no excuse for offering poor security. With features like biometrics and smart locks now widely available, hotels have more tools to keep their guests safe. Guests also expect hotels to have robust surveillance capabilities to deter potential thieves.

Traveling is safer now than it has ever been in many ways. You can truly rest easy during your travels by staying in a modern hotel.

Technological Features Allow for Faster and More Flexible Accommodations

Not everyone takes the same approach to traveling.

For many travelers, a vacation is an endeavor that requires adequate preparation. They plan their trips well in advance to ensure they go as well as expected. Others prefer a more spontaneous approach. They may choose their destination and hotel on a whim.

According to American Express, 44 percent of travelers enjoy taking spontaneous trips. While that number may be somewhat surprising, it becomes easier to understand once you realize how adaptable hotels have become.

Hotels can now accept and process bookings faster because of new online features. Even the payments can go through quickly.

If guests arrive early and use remote check-in features, hotels can adjust by increasing the number of workers they have available. The hotels can quickly examine their guest list and boost their staffing to accommodate the needs of their guests. Making those quick adjustments is not an issue for hotels because of the new technological features they can use.

Technological Features Are Streamlining Hotel Maintenance

When you step into a hotel room, you expect all its features to be in working order. Nothing is more frustrating than finding out that your room’s toilet or water heater is malfunctioning. That malfunctioning appliance can quickly derail your vacation plans.

Hotels can more easily prevent those issues by leaning on technology. Appliances that utilize the Internet of Things can relay updates to hotel managers detailing their current conditions. Those updates can tell the hotel managers if specific appliances and fixtures require maintenance.

Guests don’t have to worry about their rooms lacking important features as long as those smart appliances and fixtures are in hotels.

Technological Features Are Transforming Room Service Offerings

Finally, you should know that technological advancements have also changed how hotels handle room service. Per this survey from, 45 percent of U.S. hotels say room service has become more popular. To understand why room service is more popular these days, it’s worth checking how hotels are handling it.

Now that hotels can access hospitality management software, they can easily source high-quality ingredients for their room service offerings. Hotels can also use that platform to set standards for their room service offerings. The aforementioned platforms even help control spending on room service on the part of the hotels.

Having access to a delicious meal in your hotel room is just another reason to travel.

The traveling experience is better than ever because of the technological improvements implemented by hotels. Enjoy those improvements firsthand when you embark on your next adventure!

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